Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of School!

Well, this boy did it…..

he went and grew up on us!

Levi is now a big Kindergartener!IMG_5381

This picture is a little fuzzy…I completely caught him off guard with this smooch and he started giggling like crazy! I’m really going to miss having this little man around here!IMG_5387

Levi had his first day of school today. I was so proud of him! He woke up this morning, ate breakfast and got ready to go right away and then his three siblings and I drove him off to school. We found his desk and locker and got him all situated and he never shed a tear!

I tell ya what, I really think it’s way harder on us Mom’s than these little tikes! ;) He did way better than his mama did, that’s for sure. I had all I could do to hold it together until I got outside of the school doors! Thankfully I have an absolutely WONDERFUL sister-in-law, who knew exactly what I needed! She gave me a huge squeeze and gave me some beautiful words of encouragement. What a gem she is!


As you could probably have guessed, the theme for the year is apples.IMG_4822IMG_4824

Levi is growing up and maturing so much. I’m so proud of the sweet little man he is becoming. IMG_5275IMG_5279IMG_5291

He’s going to be six this coming Sunday. When people say that you have to enjoy these little years, because they go by faster than you think…they are dead serious.  These past six years went by in the blink of an eye it seems.

This boy still is a mama’s boy…I. LOVE. THAT! IMG_5360

I had so much fun walking around town taking pictures of this handsome boy. The things he chattered about and holding his little hand in mine made me so thankful for that time with him and made me praise God that I was chosen to be his Mom.


Levi, we love you from the tip of your nose, down to your little toes. You light up our life with so much joy!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Such cute pictures of your handsome little man! : ) I'm so thankful that he & Luke can go to school together! They sure do grow up quick... before you know it, Tyler & Ryan will be there. Better enjoy the little years! ; ) ~Erin
