Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day of School!!!

Well, summer is over, and it’s time for school!

Levi and Kate had their first day of school today. Here they are all ready to go!IMG_8367

Levi is starting 1st grade, and Kate is starting Kindergarten!

Kindergarten and 1st grade are taught by Mrs. Van DenTop. She decorated her room with a fun theme of race-cars this year.


I had to take a few pictures of the special-ed room too. It was decorated in such a cute theme! Kate will be spending some time in there as well, and I’m sure she’s going to thoroughly enjoy it! IMG_8348

I just loved this phrase that Leah had on the wall next to these teddy-bears. So adorable. :)


There was even a little pretend campfire in front of the tent.IMG_8350IMG_8351

Levi and Kate found their desks an got everything situated.IMG_8373IMG_8368

Here’s Kara D.J. and Kate all ready to start school. I am thrilled that Levi and Kate have cousins in their classroom.IMG_8371

I have to say that we are going to miss summer, but it will be good to get back into the routine that school brings. We are so thankful for our little Christian school here in town. We pray that God will bless our children and guide them as they learn and are instructed in the light of His word. 

1 comment:

  1. So cute, Michelle! They look so grown up and excited for school! : ) ~Erin
