Monday, April 8, 2013

“Hippo Birthday, Tyler!”

This little guy is now a one year old! IMG_2233IMG_2220


You probably thought that the title of this post was a little silly, but this picture of his cake should explain why. ;)IMG_2249

I had a really hard time coming up with a theme for Tyler’s 1st birthday cake, until I saw this cute hippo cake on the internet….so cute. I think it was his big teeth that drew me to him! :)


Dad and Mom D.J. and two of my siblings were scheduled to come out for a visit, so we celebrated Tyler’s birthday a week early while they were here. Paul and Erin and their kids came too, which made the day so much more special! We were thankful to Dad and Mom V.E. for hosting the party at their house, so we didn’t have to worry about it being too crowded!


Yum, yum!


Fun birthday presents from Grandpa & Grandma V.E.


An adorable suit from Grandpa & Grandma D.J. (Don’t mind the spoon in his mouth…he got ahold of that thing and refused to let it go….so it was either take a picture of him with a spoon hanging out of his mouth, or have him bawling for the picture).


These little girls had so much fun playing in Grandma’s toy cupboard, so I just had to take a picture!


Facts about Tyler: 

  • Tyler is growing and growing! He’s also getting really mobile. He crawls everywhere and gets into everything and also cruises along furniture.
  • He has 8 teeth now - two molars just popped through, and two more are just about ready to.
  • He LOVES Lexi! Whenever he catches a glimpse of her he gets so excited, starts making little barking sounds, and points at her.
  • He’s still not sleeping through the night. He’s up at least two times almost every night. Blah.
  • He just learned how to climb up steps. He thinks he’s pretty big stuff when he does this.
  • He loves when we sing. Usually he participates by clapping along as we sing the words.

Happy 1st Birthday, Tyler! We love you so much and are so blessed to have you in our family!


  1. I can't believe Tyler is 1 already! Cute cake! So fun to have all the grandparents there to celebrate. Happy Birthday Tyler! Can't wait to see you this summer!

  2. Happy birthday, sweet little man! The hippo looks SO cute, Michelle! I'll be honest, I couldn't quite picture it when you described it the other day, but again, you did a fabulous job! I think Tyler still resembles Kate, too! Also. . . is that the only cupboard the girls had fun playing in? Just wondering. . . :)
