Saturday, May 25, 2013

Long post of random happenings…

It’s been a whirlwind of business here lately. I feel like the days, weeks, and months are just flying by this year!

But, before a certain someone starts nagging me about not posting in a long time (ahem, Ed!), I though I better at least get a few pictures on this blog. :)

Some of these pictures were taken a while ago, but I thought I’d post them anyway!

These first ones are of that crazy, yet beautiful snowstorm that we had at the beginning of April, right after the big ice storm that I posted about earlier.IMG_2456


Kindergarten Roundup!

Levi loved this! He is actually anxious to go to school now, because of the short time we spent in this classroom. Previously he had always said “I am never going to school, you can be my teacher, Mom!”IMG_2366IMG_2370IMG_2379IMG_2384IMG_2391IMG_2405

These next three pictures are actually from the weekend of Tyler’s birthday, when my parents were visiting for a few days. These pictures just melt my heart and make me smile so much when I look at them. Dad gave the kids horsey-back rides one afternoon and they giggled and begged for him to never stop. It was so priceless to watch! They love their Grandpa so much!IMG_2320IMG_2311IMG_2316

Kate, singing praises while Daddy washes the dishes.IMG_2525

Kate decided that this was a comfortable spot to relax and enjoy the view!IMG_2565IMG_2566

One little, two little, three little indians…IMG_2600IMG_2584

Boys in Bowties!

All the little boys (nephews) will be wearing bowties to Auntie Sherry’s wedding coming up in June….I’ve had them sewed for a little while now, but never snapped a picture of the boys wearing them until now! So cute…Tyler wasn’t thrilled about it though! IMG_2608IMG_2604

Auntie Valen visited a few weeks ago. We all enjoyed seeing her again for a few days!IMG_2615

Okay, I have a ton more pictures I could post, but before you all get bored from scrolling through all these pictures, I better stop. I’ll try to post again soon…but I’m not making any promises! :)

1 comment:

  1. So many CUTE pictures, Michelle! Love them all! Thanks for sharing! :) ~Erin
